UK - EU Relations: A View Behind the Scenes
UK - EU Relations: A View Behind the Scenes
Join us for a panel discussion with Rudy Aernoudt, author of “Towards a New European Impetus Post-Brexit: A View Behind the Scenes” and Stefaan De Rynck, author of “Inside the Deal: how the EU got Brexit done”. The event will take place at the Chamber’s office (Bld Bischoffsheim 11, 1000 Bruxelles) on 8 November, 14:00 CET.
Both authors have an extensive knowledge of Brexit and post-Brexit negotiations, as Stefaan De Rynck worked as a Senior Advisor to Michel Barnier (Brexit Chief Negotiator for the European Union), and Rudy Aernoudt worked as a Senior Economist at the European Commission.
The authors will present their books and their insights on the negotiations around the Withdrawal Agreement and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement. The event will also include a Q&A session for participants to engage with the speakers.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Chamber for what promises to be a very interesting and highly insightful conversation!
Our Sponsor
We would like to extend our thanks to FIPRA for collaborating with us to host this event.
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